October 24, 2022

Improved “Is one of” segmentation filter

Refiner allows you to automatically group users by their traits or tracked events with Data Driven Segments. Most of them time, a few filter settings are sufficient for the configuration of Data Driven Segments.

In some cases, you might want to automatically group users based on a list of possible values. For example all users where the email domain is part of a list of domains. For these cases, our “Is one of” (or “Is not one of”) setting of our string matching filter is a good choice.

Our newest release adds a couple of improvements to”Is one of” settings of the string filter:

  • You can now store up to 200 values for each filter. The amount of values was capped at 20 before.
  • You can now add multiple values at once by separating them with a comma or semicolon.
  • Duplicate values are automatically removed from the list
  • Below the list you’ll find the count of unique values as well an option to remove all values
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