February 7, 2023

Control response collection speed per survey and user level

One of our core beliefs at Refiner is that we want to support a broad variety of survey use cases. And in fact, many of our customers are running multiple survey campaigns in parallel already.

But with multiple survey campaigns running in parallel comes also the need for more fine grained targeting options on a “per survey” level. For example throttling the collection speed of a survey.

A couple of weeks ago, we’ve already introduced throttling on a survey level. With our newest release, we’ve building up on this and added another layer of control.

It is now possible to throttle the collection speed on a “per survey & user” level.

This new option is especially helpful when surveys are launching based on Page Visit or Manual Trigger Events and set to “recurring”. It allows you do launch a survey each time a Trigger Event, but within certain limits.


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