SaaS Sales: What are the Biggest Challenges in Selling SaaS?

Selling SaaS products is no small feat, isn’t it? You have to generate leads, qualify them, then, convince those people to try out your product… And only if you see them engaging with it continuously, you can ask for the sale.  Madness, right?  Yet, for most companies supported by the sales model, doing the above […]

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Should You Move From Self-Serve to a Hybrid Sales Model?

Many SaaS brands with a self-service model shun away launching an inside sales program and they might be right in doing so. Not every product needs a sales team. Many SaaS applications grow with users going through most of the buying process on their own.  But then, there are those companies that want to go […]

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SaaS Sales Models: Choosing the Best Sales Strategy for Your SaaS

In SaaS, much of your success depends on the sales model you choose.  Why, because, how you decide to convert potential customers into paying customers – the activity in which I include both your sales process and the go-to-market strategy – will affect your chances for generating the growth and revenue you are after greatly. […]

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4 Simple Steps to a Winning Lead Scoring Strategy for SaaS

At first sight, the concept of SaaS lead scoring seems so simple, doesn’t it? You need to decide what characteristics define your ideal users and what behavior signifies reaching the activation point in your app and reward each with points.  Then, you just have to look for people with the highest score and BAM! as […]

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How to Build a Lead Scoring Model in SaaS

Let’s face it: Having too many leads is never a problem.  It’s not knowing which of them are worth your time that makes selling so darn challenging.  Because no matter how much effort you put into processing inbound leads, unless you focus on high-value opportunities only, you’ll end up frustrated, tired and, well…most likely, cursing […]

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