What is Product Feedback Survey (+ 59 Best Questions to Ask)

Worried about a high churn rate? Feeling pressure because competitors are outdoing you on every front? Or maybe your customer satisfaction scores aren’t as high as you’d like, and you have no idea why (and, more importantly, how to beat it)…  Well, that’s usually the best time to get your users involved.  Because let’s face […]

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How (and Why) You Should Collect In-app Feedback

I guarantee you, no founder doesn’t utter the word, feedback, at least three times a day. True fact.  But here’s the thing—most of the time, when founders think of feedback, they actually mean surveys sent to users by email that they can fill in at their most convenient time. There is nothing wrong with that […]

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How to Get the Most Out of In-app Feedback: 11 Best Practices

“In-app feedback? Pfft, well…I’m still waiting for it to work…” Sounds familiar? I bet it does. I certainly often hear SaaS companies complain that they’re not getting meaningful results with in-app feedback.  But I want you to note something – The important element of the above statement is not that they’re not getting results.  They […]

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7 Best In-app Messaging Tools Today

Let’s not beat around the bush here—as a founder, you really can’t grow your product without in-app messages.  (To be clear, I am not saying you just need in-app messaging to grow. Far from it, of course. But the strategy should form an integral part of your product-led growth.) But naturally, to do that, you […]

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8 In-app Messaging Best Practices for SaaS

Looking for in-app messaging best practices? Want to find out how to run successful in-app messaging campaigns? I won’t deny it; being able to connect with and communicate with users as they interact with your product truly feels heaven-sent… …until you get it wrong, that is.  And it’s so easy for that to happen, I’m […]

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In-app Messaging: The Ultimate Guide

This is the most comprehensive guide to in-app messaging. You’ll learn what in-app messaging is, why you should use it, and how. Step-by-step. So, let’s do it. What is in-app messaging? I guess there is no better way to explain in-app messaging than this: I bet sometimes you want to tell users something quickly. It could […]

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What is Product Research: A Guide for Founders

I don’t think there’s ever been a founder who succeeded with the first iteration of their product idea. For most of us, building a product means constant discovery and iteration, or product research, for short.  In this guide, I’ll explain what product research is and show you the best methods to do product research for […]

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10 Questions to Ask in a Product Market Fit Survey

FACT – You can’t start growing your product, at least not successfully, anyway, until you’ve reached the product market fit.  Without it, any growth (or even product development) effort is like shooting in the dark.  Literarily. But hey, I’m sure you already know this.  What you don’t know is how to figure out that product […]

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Product Discovery Framework: The Ultimate Guide

Wondering how a typical product discovery framework looks like? Here’s a common scenario in the startup world – Someone has an idea for a product or a new feature, and it seems just perfect … well, perfect to them.  But will customers feel the same about it?  Is it even something they’d need?  These are […]

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How to Use UX Research Surveys for Product Development

As a technical founder, I couldn’t deny it even if I tried – I love building my product. And I do mean every aspect of the process here, including figuring out what to build.  But I also know that to other founders, the process of identifying users’ needs is pretty challenging. It’s often difficult to […]

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9 Best In-app Feedback Tools

Are you considering collecting in-app feedback but aren’t sure what tools to use? Well, let me tell you, then that I never thought that building a SaaS or digital product would be easy. I was never that naive, not even when building my first app.  But I guess I also never imagined that it’s going […]

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Customer Onboarding Surveys: 21 Questions to Ask

Most business advice tells you to learn more about your customers. And naturally, this is sound advice. There is no doubt about that.  But there is a catch. You see – Discovering your audience preferences is so easy when you get to talk to those people as they become customers. But we, founders building SaaS […]

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31 In-app Survey Questions to Ask Your Users

Are you struggling to write engaging questions for in-app surveys? Below I’ve broken down what questions work best in in-app surveys and listed 31 examples for your inspiration.  But first, let me tell you about Todd.  Todd’s very much like you. He’s got a great product that customers love. But Todd’s also different. For one, […]

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In-app Survey Response Rates (Benchmark Data 2022)

Are you planning to launch an in-app survey but aren’t sure whether it’s worth the effort? Wondering what sort of response rates to expect? Well, below you’ll find more information about that than you might have hoped for.  You see, I know that the biggest objections for conducting surveys of any kind is the potentially […]

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3 Product-Led Growth Examples

Looking for examples of how other startups embrace product-led growth? You know – Some of us throw everything into marketing. There’s is nothing wrong with that, of course.  But there are also many SaaS companies that believe in their products so much to use them as their main driver of growth. We’ll focus on them […]

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