7 Best Product Survey Tools Reviewed

Are you planning to conduct product surveys? Wondering what software to use? You know, as cliche as it sounds, it’s darn true – You really have no better way to take the product to the next level than by getting your users involved. Unfortunately, doing so is also a major pain in the backside, particularly […]

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13 Best Refiner.io Alternatives

Were you planning to run surveys with Refiner but got that nagging feeling that maybe there’s a better alternative out there?  Refiner is a great survey tool. I know, I created it, after all. But I’m also the first person to admit that, just like pretty much every other survey tool,  it may not be […]

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Customer Satisfaction Software: Here are the Best Tools to Use

You know – I’m sure you’ve heard it all… The thing is… Unless your company enjoys high customer satisfaction scores already, statements like these probably, just make you more and more anxious.  You know that without improving customer experience, you risk staying behind everyone else.  It’s just that it’s easier said than done, right? Well, […]

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15 Best Product Feedback Tools and Software

Are you looking to collect user insights to help improve your product? Wondering what product feedback tools to use? It’s true – You have so many different ways to improve the product.  You could follow the gut feeling, for one. There is nothing wrong with figuring out how to make your product better all by […]

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15 Best Voice of the Customer Tools Today

Are you planning to launch a voice of the customer program (VoC) and wonder what tools and software you should use? You know, cliche as it sounds, it’s true – It’s almost impossible to run a successful SaaS today without putting a huge emphasis on customer experience.  Customer expectations for what they get from us […]

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SaaS Growth Tools

14 Best SaaS Growth Tools to Help Your Startup Grow

Are you using the right tools to grow your SaaS? Wondering what are the best SaaS growth tools to help you get more users? FACT: There isn’t a SaaS company that doesn’t want to grow and grow and grow. It’s the nature of the business, isn’t it? Our companies can scale almost infinitely, after all. […]

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13 Best Qualtrics Alternatives

Are you considering using Qualtrics to evaluate user experience? Wondering whether any Qualtrics alternatives would work better for your product? I won’t deny it; Qualtrics is amazing. It’s a massive platform, after all, and its capabilities reach far beyond just customer feedback.  But is Qualtrics the best option for your brand? Are there any Qualtrics […]

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10 Best Customer Feedback Tools for SaaS

Are you considering collecting customer feedback? Wondering which customer feedback tools to use? In that case, this guide is for you.   Why, because, below, you’ll learn everything to help you pick the best customer feedback software. You’ll learn what user feedback tools are, why it’s so important to pick the right one, and also, […]

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10 Best Survicate Alternatives

Are you considering using Survicate? Not feeling fully convinced that it is the right tool for your company surveys? Well, you’re in luck. Below you’ll find 10 Survicate alternatives that can offer better options for your SaaS. What we’ll cover: What is Survicate? What Survicate does well and where the tool falls short.  10 absolutely incredible […]

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Customer Success Software

10 Best Customer Success Software For SaaS

Are you considering improving your customer success? Wondering which software and tools to use? You know, I absolutely love how Forbes opened their article: Customer Success: The Best Kept Secret of Hyper-Growth Startups  They said, “Customer success is where 90% of the revenue is.” It’s hard not to agree with it. For SaaS companies that […]

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Customer Satisfaction Tool Illustration

6 Best CSAT Survey Tools Today

Planning to run a CSAT survey and wondering what software to use? You’re in the right place then. Below, you’ll discover the best CSAT software on the market today. But let me tell you this first… Customer surveys are an ideal strategy to learn about your customer experiences and engage your userbase. But here’s the […]

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Customer Survey Alternatives

3 Types of Customer Satisfaction Surveys and How to Use Them

Are you thinking of collecting customer feedback but aren’t sure which type of customer surveys to use? Low completion rates, inaccurate response data, bad UX, …. We heard all kinds of reasons why customer experience surveys are not working. And sometimes the problem is the wrong type of survey the company is running. Other times, […]

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