12 Best NPS Software Platforms & Tools Today

Written by Moritz Dausinger, CEO of Refiner

Are you wondering what the best NPS software is? Looking for recommendations on what NPS tools to try?

You’re in the right place, then.

Below, you’ll find my recommendations for 12 best NPS tools to try.

But let’s start with this…

Why even bother looking for NPS software?

I guess it really goes without saying – Your company has no greater asset than happy and loyal customers. 

It’s those people that drive your monthly recurring revenue and boost growth (both through their repeat purchases and word-of-mouth recommendations.)

The thing is – Unless you continuously measure customer satisfaction, you can never tell how many such customers you really have. 

Well, that’s where NPS comes in. It is the easiest and the most effective way by far to uncover the loyalty of your customer base and more. 

(I know that I probably sound biased in saying this. I am running an NPS survey tool, after all. That said, countless brands have been running NPS surveys too, and it’d be hard to accuse them of bias in their opinions about its effectiveness.)

So, where does the software come into all this? Well, it’s almost impossible to run such a survey and ask your customers about their loyalty and satisfaction without using dedicated software for the job. 

That’s why, in this guide, I decided to evaluate the 12 best NPS software tools and platforms on the market today. 

If you’re stuck and wondering what software would be the best to use for your NPS, then keep on reading. 

You’ll find answers to all your questions below. 

But let’s start with a quick recap…

What is NPS, and why absolutely must use it?

NPS (short for Net Promoter Score) is a metric that companies use to measure two things:

  • Their customers’ overall satisfaction and experience, and
  • How likely those people are to recommend the company or its products to others and generate positive word-of-mouth in the process.

To uncover those insights, you run a simple, question-based survey that typically asks for just one thing:

Example of a survey for an NPS email.
An example of what a typical NPS question looks like.

Customers respond using a simple rating system on a 0-10 scale. Based on those ratings, you can divide respondents into three customer segments:

  • Promoters – These are people who’ve responded by scoring you between 9 and 10. These are the most loyal customers who not only can’t imagine living without your product but would also be willing to tell others about it and recommend your business. 
  • Passives – Passives are satisfied customers who have rated your business between 7-8. Although they are happy with the service, they aren’t satisfied enough to recommend your company to others. 
  • Detractors – Detractors are unhappy customers. You recognize them for their low NPS ratings, typically in a region of 0-6. These people are dissatisfied with your product or service and most likely would never buy from you again. What’s more, they could spread negative word-of-mouth about your business. 
NPS score example.

Why use NPS?

As you can see from the example above, NPS data can reveal quite a lot about your customers. 

It tells you how many of your customers are likely to recommend you. And that’s a valuable insight to help you predict the rate of your organic growth. 

It also reveals how many of your customers are satisfied with your product or service and, thus, are likely to continue doing business with you. 

Finally, it tells you who are the people least happy with you. Understanding why offers an incredible opportunity to work on those factors. You can use that insight to work on your product, improve customer service, and potentially even turn them into promoters. 

But for that to happen, you need to create NPS surveys and have a way to analyze the NPS data. And that’s what you need dedicated NPS software for. 

Let’s talk about that, then.

What is NPS software?

The term – NPS software – refers to tools and platforms that allow you to send customer satisfaction and loyalty surveys like the one you’ve seen in the example above. 

Most NPS platforms also allow you to view and analyze the results in a single dashboard, and distribute various insights to other tools.  

NPS platforms and tools come in all shapes and sizes. Some focus only on running NPS surveys. Others allow you to run other types of research too, like customer effort score (CES), customer satisfaction score (CSAT), run in-app surveys and more. 

So, with that in mind, let’s review the most common features a typical NPS software offers its users.

NPS software features

Please note that I based the list below on the needs of a company looking to run NPS surveys only. For that reason, I focused on features and capabilities that assist with researching this particular metric. Your software of choice, however, might offer additional features that help run other types of research. 

So, without further ado, here’s what to expect from robust NPS software:

  • The ability to set up a single-question NPS survey
  • The ability to add a follow-up question, if needed
  • The option to deliver the survey through multiple channels like email, website widget or an in-app survey.
  • Customer segmentation to select whom do you want to receive the survey
  • Survey scheduling and the option to run recurring surveys
  • Survey templates to help you launch the NPS campaign faster
  • Automatic NPS data and score calculation
  • NPS dashboard to review the results and access to view individual replies (that’s something particularly important if you’ve added a follow-up question to your survey.)
  • The ability to style the survey to match your brand
  • Integrations that allow sending survey response data to other tools and more.
NPS platform interface.
Survey settings in an NPS platform

Why use NPS tools?

We’ve already discussed one reason for using NPS software – Because it’s pretty much impossible to survey customers at scale about their loyalty and satisfaction manually. 

But NPS tools offer other benefits:

  • Automation. NPS software will help you automate time-consuming tasks, and conduct a wider research without having to invest much time and resources into the project.
  • With NPS tools, you can run surveys continuously and also, re-run past campaigns to see how your scores have changed over time. 
  • Finally, NPS software will provide you with data at scale to close the customer loop and highlight opportunities for growth and improvement.

How to evaluate and choose the best NPS software?

Let’s start with discussing your options. As it happens, there are three types of NPS tools that you could evaluate:

Self-made tools. This category includes tools that haven’t been created to run NPS but users modify for that purpose. For example, we sometimes see companies using generic email marketing platforms like Mailchimp to deliver simple NPS surveys to their customers via email. 

Although these platforms haven’t been developed with NPS in mind, they offer very basic survey capabilities that you could use to run NPS as well. 

NPS add-ons. The second category includes add-ons and plugin extensions for tools like CRMs or customer service tools that expand their functionality with NPS capabilities.

In this case, the add-on might extend the tool’s capabilities to NPS and offer additional features that help run more advanced surveys. Nonetheless, it is still just an add-on and it’s worth remembering that its feature set will always be limited. 

Dedicated NPS software. These tools, however, have been developed from the ground up to run NPS surveys and offer all the functionality and capabilities we’ve discussed above. 

Please note – In my evaluation of NPS software and tools, I will be focusing entirely on products in the third category. 

What makes good software for NPS?

We’ve already discussed what features to expect in a dedicated NPS tool. But I think it’d be worth it for you to know which ones of those are deal-breakers. In other words, here’s what you should pay attention to when evaluating NPS software.

A bit of advice – Please consider these factors in relation to your business and its needs. If you plan to run a simple survey to a small customer base, then you might not need some of the bells and whistles we’ll be discussing below. On the other hand, if you plan to uncover and continuously improve your NPS score, well, then you will need far more than a simple NPS tool.

With that out of the way, here’s what I believe you should ask when looking for good NPS software:

  • What channels are available to deliver surveys to customers? Sending survey via email is enough for a small campaign. But if you want to run NPS continuously, then you should look for tools that offer multiple channels – email, in-app, survey link, and more. 
  • Does the tool also allow running other survey types? You may start with NPS. But from experience, I know that in time, you’ll want to also evaluate customer satisfaction or the customer effort score. When evaluating NPS software, check if your platform of choice also allows you to expand to other survey types. Naturally, it’s not a problem if it doesn’t. However, using a more robust customer survey software will mean that you won’t have to look for another tool sometime in the future. 
  • What are the limitations on the number of surveys you can run or responses you can collect on different price plans? All software imposes at least some limitations per package. But check if the limitations match your current customer base growth and whether the tool will allow you to run surveys as your company grows. 
  • Can you run multiple surveys at once? This is particularly important if you’re planning to segment your customer base and research each segment separately. If that’s the case, then make sure that the tool will allow you to reach and survey each segment simultaneously. 

For example, here are the three packages we offer at Refiner. 

NPS software price plans breakdown.

Note how we don’t limit anything, allow you to run multiple surveys (and many different survey types) and send the survey to users through several channels.

Additional questions to ask when evaluating NPS platforms

Finally, there are four other questions I recommend you ask yourself when evaluating NPS platforms:

How much does it cost? This may seem like a simple question, but it’s quite significant when it comes to NPS software. You see, to fully avail of the benefits and opportunities of NPS, you need to run those surveys regularly over a longer period of time. So, with that in mind, when evaluating NPS tools, make sure that the price matches your budget over an extended period of time. 

Is there a minimum contract term? Most NPS software platforms will not lock you into any long-term contracts. That said, it’s worth checking that out as you evaluate them. 

Is there a free trial? Given that using NPS software is a long-term commitment, it’s only natural that you may want to test it out before deciding. Therefore, check whether your top tools offer a free trial.

What do others say about it? Finally, evaluate the tool’s online reviews and see what experiences other users have with the tool. 

12 best NPS survey software platforms

Below, you’ll find a list of twelve amazing NPS tools that I recommend you try. These tools cover a wide range of use cases for NPS software and target different markets. Because of that, I’m sure that you’ll be able to find the perfect software to run your NPS surveys.

However, if you don’t have the time to read the overview of each tool, here’s a quick run-through:

NPS softwareTarget marketProduct focus and capabilities
Refiner.ioSaaS and digital productsAll types of customer feedback, from NPS, CSAT, CES, in-app surveys to product surveys, and more
Promoter.ioEcommerceCustomer feedback, primarily through NPS
DelightedGeneralNPS surveys
AskNicelyService-based businessesCustomer experience research
SurveySparrowEnterpriseOmnichannel experience management
QualtricsGeneralResearching all interactions with a business
SatismeterGeneralCustomer feedback
SurvicateSmall to medium businessesUser journey surveys
ZonkaFeedbackGeneralCustomer surveys
YesInsightsGeneralCustomer surveys
GetFeedbackGeneralCustomer experience research
NiceReplyGeneralNPS, CSAT, CES

And here’s a more detailed overview of each of these NPS tools.

#1. Refiner

Refiner NPS software.

Capabilities: Collecting customer feedback – NPS, CSAT, CES, in-app surveys, product surveys, and more.

Primary target market: Saas and digital products


Refiner (disclaimer – this is our tool) is the complete customer survey solution built to make it easy for companies to capture, analyze and act on their NPS data (as well as other customer satisfaction metrics like CSAT, CES, and more.) 

We created Refiner to be the most robust and feature-rich NPS software on the market and deliver on the needs of even the most sophisticated customers. 

Because of that, with Refiner, you can:

  • Personalize every aspect of your Net Promoter Score surveys to increase response rates and collect highly-actionable feedback. 
  • Deliver the survey across multiple channels – email, website widgets, in-app surveys, shareable links, and more.
  • Measure customer experience and collect data that will help you prevent customer churn.
  • With Refiner’s integrations, you can trigger automations & workflows to close the customer feedback loop quickly.
  • Survey templates allow you to launch NPS surveys quickly, while branding options let you customize the survey and ensure that it matches your brand, app, or website.
  • Triggers and a powerful segmentation engine lets you target specific users based on events, traits, survey responses, and more. 
  • Branching logic means that you can send relevant follow-up questions based on the person’s feedback. You can ask promoters for advice, collect feedback from detractors about their negative experiences, and more.

Here’s just one piece of feedback about our tool from a satisfied customer:

“We were looking for a beautiful and easy-to-integrate NPS tool for a reasonable price. Then we found Refiner, which does that and way more. Refiner is a powerful and pretty tool for user surveys that integrates closely with whatever you’re using. Best choice we could have ever made!” Joeroen Corthout, co-founder, Salesflare.

Interested to see Refiner in action? Check out this live demo and sign up for a free trial to test it by yourself.

#2. Promoter.io

promoter.io NPS platform.

Capabilities: Customer feedback, primarily NPS

Target market: Ecommerce


Promoter.io is an NPS software for ecommerce and online stores. The software integrates with two major ecommerce platforms – Shopify and BigCommerce – and allows online stores to collect customer feedback during the entire purchasing process. 

Promoter.io offers several channels by which you can collect feedback – email, SMS, or shareable links. It also allows to set up the survey logic to show the most relevant questions to different customer segments and supports several languages. 

Finally, Promoter.io also features a powerful dashboard that gives you an at-a-glance overview of your business performance. 

#3. Delighted

Delighted, an NPS tool.

Capabilities: NPS

Target market: General


Delighted is a simple NPS platform dedicated to collecting Net Promoter Score surveys and evaluating the data. Delighted offers all the basic features you’d expect from such an NPS software – the ability to create surveys, ask follow-up questions, deliver surveys via email, widget, or link, and more. 

#4. AskNicely


Capabilities: Customer experience research

Target market: Service-based businesses


AskNicely offers a suite of tools for service providers to research and evaluate their customers’ experiences with the company or its services. As part of the suite, AskNicely also offers an NPS tool that can collect NPS feedback in real-time after a customer’s received the service. This real-time element is crucial to AskNicely’s NPS software, which targets companies that provide service directly to customers and interact with them in person. 

#5. SurveySparrow


Capabilities: Omnichannel experience management

Target market: General but with a focus on the enterprise market


SurveySparrow isn’t your typical NPS software. For one, it’s a robust customer and employee experience management platform that offers far more than just surveys. With SurveySparrow, you can also turn responses into actionable support tickets, use deep analysis tools to uncover patterns and trends in responses and more. What’s more, with the platform, you can evaluate customer experience, product experience, and employee experience. 

But the tool offers the ability to run NPS surveys as well and offers all the features you’d expect from such software. 

#6. Qualtrics


Capabilities: Researching all interactions with a business

Target audience: General


Qualtrics is by far the most powerful research platform available. It offers all the tools and capabilities to evaluate all your customers’ interactions with you across all touchpoints. 

As part of its set of tools, Qualtrics also offers the ability to send, measure, and analyze NPS through several channels like apps, websites, email, SMS, chatbots, and even run offline surveys.

What’s more, Qualtrics allows you to integrate NPS data with insights from its other capabilities to gain an even deeper insight into your customers’ satisfaction, experience, and loyalty. 

#7. Satismeter


Capabilities: Customer feedback collection

Target market: General


Satismeter is a simple but highly effective customer feedback tool that allows you to collect NPS, CSAT, CES, and product/market fit data. It offers pre-built templates that help you start researching customers’ experiences right away, branding options, and all the channels you’d expect from an NPS software – email, web, shareable links, and more. Plus, a set of integrations allows you to pass the data to other tools you’re using to boost customer satisfaction. 

#8. Survicate


Capabilities: Customer surveys

Target market: Small to medium businesses


Survicate is a customer survey tool for small to midsize businesses that want to collect customer feedback on different channels.

With Survicate, you can use events such as exit intent, page scroll, time delays, and custom triggers to prompt feedback. You can also implement on-page website widgets to capture potential and current customer insights. And, of course, ask active customers to complete Net Promoter Score website surveys. 

Because Survicate is a bit more generic tool, its greatest strength is in allowing brands to track how users experience their products and services over time. 

Any small to mid-size business can use the company’s tool to gather feedback from customers and collect actionable insights to help drive its business forward. 

Survicate also offers some 3rd party integrations with popular Analytics, Collaboration, CRM, Customer Support, Email, and Marketing Automation tools.

#9. ZonkaFeedback

Zonka Feedback NPS software.

Capabilities: Customer surveys

Target market: General


Zonka Feedback is another NPS software that also allows collecting other types of customer feedback – CSAT, CES, or employee experience. However, unlike many other tools on the list, Zonka Feedback also allows you to collect such feedback offline, using iOS and Android devices. 

Zonka Feedback features a powerful survey builder with branding capabilities. With skip logic and survey redirection, you can send the most relevant questions to different customer segments.  

#10. YesInsight


Capabilities: Simple customer feedback surveys

Target market: General


YesInsights is a smaller tool, ideal for running simple, single-question surveys to uncover customers’ experiences and attitudes towards your brand or products. YesInsights allows you to deliver surveys through two channels, email and as a website widget, making it an ideal tool for anyone just starting out with collecting customer feedback. That said, sometimes that simplicity is exactly what you need. And in those situations, YesInsights is a perfect tool for the job. 

#11. GetFeedback


Capabilities: Customer experience research and analysis

Target market: General


GetFeedback is another powerful platform that combines NPS software with additional features and capabilities to help you evaluate customer experiences and act on your findings.

With GetFeedback, you can build a complex customer experience program and research customer experiences across multiple channels and touchpoints. You can also collect their feedback across several channels, including email, SMS, website, and mobile apps. 

The platform’s analysis capabilities let you analyze the data, uncover customer sentiment, spot trends, and understand key drivers impacting your business.

#12. NiceReply


Capabilities: NPS, CSAT, and CES surveys

Target market: General


NiceReply is a dedicated NPS software that also allows you to collect CSAT and CES feedback. The tool features all the capabilities that you’d want to see there – from the ability to send personalized surveys, branding and customization options, data dashboards, and more. NiceReply’s integrations let you send customer feedback to the helpdesk as a comment, integrate feedback with Slack or MS Teams, and more.

And there you have it…

Twelve of the best NPS software platforms that are available on the market today. What’s left for you to do is review them and try the ones that best match your needs.

Good luck!

Get the ultimate NPS cheatsheet We compiled the best NPS information we have from over a dozen articles. Get NPS basics, use cases, best practices, 13 question examples, 17 follow-up email templates in a single document! Get the cheatsheet

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