A Guide to In-app Surveys for SaaS

Planning to run in-app surveys? Wondering how to make the most of it? You know – Continuous feedback can improve everything in your business – from product development to marketing and customer success. And to collect it, you just need to launch the right surveys at the right place. But unfortunately, sometimes that’s the problem, […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Product Surveys

Do you plan to collect feedback about your product but feel that user interviews are just too time-consuming? Wondering whether product surveys are the way to go? As a SaaS founder myself, I know very well that there is absolutely no better way to increase your product’s value is to listen to your customers.  In […]

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17 Top Product Survey Questions to Ask (with Examples)

Curious what your customers think about your product? Wondering what are the best product survey questions to ask? FACT: No one is better to help you build a better product (and a successful business) than your customers.  But how do you find out what they think? That’s what you’re going to find out in this […]

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20 Customer Feedback Questions to Ask

Are you wondering what customer feedback questions you should be asking? Fact: No business can survive without happy clients. But how do you know whether your customers are happy or not? You have to ask them, of course.  In this guide, I’ll show you exactly how to do it. You’ll discover what customer feedback questions […]

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How to Calculate NPS (incl. NPS Formula for Excel)

Wondering how to calculate NPS? Looking for a formula to calculate NPS in excel? You’re in luck, then. Below, you’ll find three different methods to calculate NPS, and a formula that you could use in excel or Google Sheets too. But why care about calculating NPS in the first place? NPS is beyond critical; that […]

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SaaS Growth Tools

14 Best SaaS Growth Tools to Help Your Startup Grow

Are you using the right tools to grow your SaaS? Wondering what are the best SaaS growth tools to help you get more users? FACT: There isn’t a SaaS company that doesn’t want to grow and grow and grow. It’s the nature of the business, isn’t it? Our companies can scale almost infinitely, after all. […]

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18 Must-use Product-led Growth Tools in 2022

Are you currently building your product-led growth strategy? Wondering what product-led growth tools to use? Let’s not beat around the bush here – There is no better way to build a SaaS business than by using the product as the main vehicle for growth.  The problem? Well, you can’t do it without using dedicated tools. […]

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13 Best Qualtrics Alternatives

Looking for Qualtrics alternatives? Well, I don’t blame you. Sure, Qualtrics is amazing. It’s a massive platform, after all, and its capabilities reach far beyond just customer feedback.  But is Qualtrics the best option for your brand? It depends, and the chances are that other products would suit you better. Let’s find out. What is […]

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12 SaaS Customer Engagement Metrics You Should Track

Are you planning to start measuring customer engagement? Wondering what customer engagement metrics your SaaS should track? It really goes without saying, doesn’t it? The more value users get from your product, the more likely they are to keep using it (and paying you the bucks, of course.) The problem – Sometimes, it’s quite hard […]

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10 Absolutely Best Customer Feedback Tools in 2024

Are you considering collecting customer feedback? Wondering which customer feedback tools to use? In that case, this guide is for you.   Why, because, below, you’ll learn everything to help you pick the best customer feedback software. You’ll learn what user feedback tools are, why it’s so important to pick the right one, and also, […]

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Survicate Alternatives: 10 Absolutely Incredible Options

Looking for Survicate alternatives? Well, you’re in luck. In this guide, you’ll find 10 absolutely amazing alternatives to Survicate that will help you collect useful customer feedback, and more. Before we get to the good stuff, though, let’s give Survicate one final look… What is Survicate? Survicate is a customer survey tool aimed at small […]

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10 Best User Experience Survey Questions to Ask

Are you struggling to come up with the best user experience survey questions to ask? You know, I sometimes find it crazy how vital user experience is and how little attention we sometimes pay to it. Consider this – 90% of users admit to stopping using a product due to poor performance.  Now, just imagine […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Customer Success in SaaS

Do customers love your SaaS product? Are you looking for a way to boost the customer success rate even further? I couldn’t agree more with Ken Lownie who said:  In the subscription economy, the connection between your customer’s success and your success is much more direct. SaaS businesses that do not invest in customer success […]

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8 Real-life Customer Survey Examples

Are you looking for customer survey examples to improve how you collect customer feedback? Let’s face it – Sometimes the quickest way to learn to design customer surveys is through the experience of other brands that have nailed their feedback surveys already. And so, in this article, you’ll find 8 inspiring real-life customer survey examples […]

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10 Customer Satisfaction Survey Best Practices

Are you looking for best practices for running customer satisfaction surveys? Let’s face it – when you implement any strategy for the first time, you often miss the mark. There’s always something you could’ve done or shouldn’t have done better.  The good news? You don’t have to try to figure out what that something is […]

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SaaS Customer Segmentation: The Ultimate Guide

Are you planning to segment your SaaS users to gather better customer insights? Looking for advice on the best SaaS customer segmentation strategies? I’m sure you know this story so well – In 1906, an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto found that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the people. […]

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What is a Good CSAT Score for SaaS

Have you just run your first-ever customer satisfaction survey? Wonder what is a good CSAT score and how does yours compare with others?  In this post, you will learn what the CSAT score is. You’ll also discover guidelines and benchmarks to help you what is a good CSAT score. And also, I’ll show you some […]

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NPS goals

How to Set Up NPS Goals for SaaS

Did you just finish running your first NPS survey? Wondering how to set net promoter score goals and continue improving your customer satisfaction? Ok I admit it – I may be biased in saying this but NPS is really amazing. Even a simple, single-question NPS survey can help you understand how loyal and satisfied your […]

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Customer Success Software

Customer Success Software: 10 Absolutely Best Options

Looking for customer success software? Wondering what tools to use for customer success? You know, I absolutely love how Forbes opened their article: Customer Success: The Best Kept Secret of Hyper-Growth Startups  They said, “Customer success is where 90% of the revenue is.” It’s hard not to agree with it. For SaaS companies that run […]

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