We fully respect the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a data protection statute established in California to enhance privacy rights and consumer protections for Californian residents. In many ways, CCPA is similar to GDPR.

Our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and business practices are fully compatible with CCPA regulations.

  • We guarantee prompt notifications to customers and authorities in the event of a data breach.
  • We have documented internal policies related to data security
  • We have safeguards in place to ensure secure and proper handling of stored data
  • We only process personal data according to our customer’s instructions
  • We do not claim ownership of your data and don't sell it to any third parties

If you are a customer of Refiner and you’d like to know what data we have on record about you, or you'd like to be removed from our database, please contact us.