Product Marketing Fit (PMF) Survey Template

Discover whether your product meets your audience’s needs and the market demand with this simple to use product market fit survey template.
  • Evaluate whether your product meets user’s needs
  • Discover how many of your users find the product valuable
  • Measure your product market fit easily.
Test a fully interactive demo of this template above. Then customize and launch it within a couple of minutes.

What makes our product market fit survey template ideal for your brand:

Why evaluate product market fit?

The idea of a product market fit isn’t new in startup circles. The concept of product market fit relates to how well the product you’ve built satisfies the needs of your target audience. In other words, having a product market fit means that you’ve built something that is useful to your target customers. Your product solves their needs, something they’ve been actively seeking to do.

Evaluating product market fit with this simple survey will help you determine whether your product already meets the market demand or if you need to continue iterating to make it more relevant to users’ needs.

But product market fit surveys can help you uncover even more.

In the past, to evaluate product market fit, startups inquired how a person would feel if they could no longer use the product. This was the question suggested first by Sean Ellis to determine how well a product delivered on the person’s needs. And naturally, the more people replying “very disappointed” the company had, the more likely it was to have achieved a product market fit.

(In fact, according to research, you can assume that you’ve achieved product market fit if at least 40% of users responded with “very disappointed” to your survey.)

Today, however, startups evaluate product market fit in several other ways.

What product market fit survey results mean to your startup?

As you’ve seen above, the product market fit survey can deliver a whole range of insights about how customers perceive your product. You can use them in several ways:

What are the most common product market fit survey questions?

Product market fit surveys are based on a rating scale question: “How would you feel if you could no longer use [product name]?

Customers can reply by choosing from four options, ranging from “Very disappointed” to “No longer using [product name].”

However, you can also pose follow-up questions (and these can be either rating, multiple choice, or open-ended questions) to learn more about the person’s preferences:

How to use the product market fit survey template?

  1. Sign-up for a free Refiner account
  2. Create a survey using this template. You’ll have access to it directly from your account. Optionally, click here to sign up and go straight to this template.
  3. Customize every aspect of your survey
  4. Install our Web-Client or Mobile-SDK
  5. Publish it and start collecting customer feedback

Why use the product market fit survey template from Refiner?

Refiner is an advanced product & user feedback collection platform for SaaS and digital products. With Refiner, you can measure anything from NPS, customer satisfaction, customer needs, product-market fit, and more.

Here is what makes Refiner ideal for your product market fit surveys:

Built for SaaS and digital products specifically

We created Refiner with people like you - product managers, product owners, and marketers and growth people at SaaS and digital products companies - in mind. Because of that, Refiner includes all the features you need to collect actionable insights from your users and none that you don’t.

Advanced customization and targeting

We understand that As a result, with Refiner, you can customize every aspect of your survey. From branding to advanced targeting and segmentation options to personalization, Refiner lets you run surveys just the way you want it.

Multiple use-cases

Refiner goes beyond just collecting NPS. With Refiner, you can collect all kinds of customer feedback, and trigger your surveys through different distribution channels (including web and mobile.)

Intrigued? Grab this product market fit survey template and start evaluating your product market fit right away.

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