Target Audience
Our In-Product Surveys provide different options to target the right group of users. On this page we’ll explain the concept of Target Audiences and go through all options they offer.
You can think of the term Target Audience as a group of users that qualify to see a survey. When a user matches certain criteria that you can define (see below), they become part of the Target Audience.

Being part of a Target Audience does not automatically trigger a survey for a user. It only means that a user is potentially qualified to see them. At what moment a survey is triggered is determined by Trigger Events.
Audience Type
Web App Surveys can be used to survey logged-in users of a web application, or anonymous website visitors. Which of the two modes you use depends on where you want to launch your surveys and you can find a detailed comparison of the two operation modes here.

User Segment Targeting
Refiner provides a powerful segmentation engine, which lets you create groups of users based on their traits and behaviour. These user segments can then be used to create a Target Audience for your in-product survey.
As a first step you need to create user segments that represent your Target Audience. You can create Data Driven Segments, as well as Manual Segments.
Once you’ve created user segments that describes your Target Audience, you can find them in the Targeting section of your survey.

You can use a combination of different segment for your Target Audience. Select one or multiple segments to include in your Target Audience and choose whether all of them or at least one of them needs to match.
Working with multiple user segments has the advantage that you can easily target a smaller group of users. For example “Signed up 30 days ago” AND “Power Users”.
Furthermore, you can also exclude users from your Target Audience as shown below.

Segment based targeting is not available if you operate our Web-Client in Anonymous Mode.
Country Targeting
Refiner allows you to launch surveys based on the country of a user. When activated, the country of a user is automatically detected using their IP address.

Refiner uses a third-party IP Geocoding service to determine the country. All IP addresses are anonymized by setting the last digits to zero, are not linked to user profiles and not stored in our system. If country targeting is deactivated, no IP address lookup or tracking is performed.
Our Javascript client allows you to manually set the country code of your users. If you provide a country code, no IP address lookup is performed.
Device Type Targeting
Web App Surveys offer the option to target certain device types. You can choose to launch surveys on Desktop, Tablets or Mobile devices.
In the “Targeting” tab of the survey editor you can enable the “Device Type” option to define on which device the survey should be launched. By default, surveys are launched to all client device types.

Language Targeting
Refiner allows you to launch surveys based on the language settings of a user.

The language settings of the web browser is used to determine if a user understands a language or not. You can overwrite the automatic language detection with the “setLocale” command of the web-client.
Please note that the settings of a web browser can include multiple “preferred languages” and Refiner will consider each language when checking the targeting settings of your survey.