Email Notifications

Our email alerts make it easy to keep your team in the loop and act on survey responses timely.

You can receive notifications by email whenever new survey data is available or when a user enters a specific segment in Refiner.

To set up email alerts, follow the steps below.

1/ Navigate to the “Team Alerts” section of your Refiner dashboard and click on “Create Email Notification”

2/ Give your your email alert a distinct name, e.g. “New Promoters”

3/ Define when you want to receive an alert. You can choose between “Survey completed”, “Segment match” or “Tag added”

4/ Select which data fields you want to have included in your email alert.

5/ Select which team members should receive an email alert. You can also choose to invite new team members.

6/ Finally, click on “Send test”. Head over to your inbox and check if you received a notification.

7/ Save your new email alert and you are done!

From now on, your team will be notified in real time when new survey responses are available or a user matches a specific segment.

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