Survey Delivery Methods

You can use Refiner to survey users while they are using your product (web & mobile), by sending them email surveys, or with a personalized survey page.

We are big advocates of “in-product microsurveys” as they provide exceptional response rates and are highly contextual. There are also situations where you might want to deliver your surveys on other channels. This is why we also offer Survey Pages and Email Surveys.

When creating a new survey, you’ll be asked to choose of the following survey type options.

Web App Surveys

Survey users while they are using your web application (SaaS, Marketplace, Fintech, …) or browsing your website. Thanks to precise targeting options, Web App Surveys provide unbeatable response rates and data accuracy.

Mobile App Surveys

Survey users while they are using your native mobile application on iOS or Android. Thanks to precise targeting options, Web App Surveys provide unbeatable response rates and data accuracy.

Email Surveys

Send surveys to the inbox of your users with the email service provider you are already using. We provide you with a HTML code snippet that can be included in any email.

Survey Pages

Create customizable survey pages that you can share with your audience. Personalize survey links to identify your users or add hidden contextual data.

In your Refiner dashboard, you’ll find two additional delivery methods:

  • Website Popup Surveys are a special form of Web App Surveys. They can be launched without identifying your users and providing Personal Identifiable Information (PII). They come with a limited set of targeting options and some other limitations as described here.
  • Embed Surveys are surveys which are displayed within a HTML element, embedded in the HTML document. This delivery method is currently in Beta phase. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

You can change the type of a survey anytime in the header section of the survey editor. When changing the survey type, all survey questions and most settings will stay intact. You might however see different targeting and distribution options depending on your choice.

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