Recurring Surveys
By default, Refiner fill try to collect one response from each user in your Target Audience. You can also collect multiple responses from each user with recurring surveys.
Recurring surveys can be launched whenever a Trigger Event occurs, or based on fixed time intervals.
A popular use-case for recurring surveys is to continuously track customer satisfaction, or measure the performance of product features.
Repeating Survey Trigger
When using the Page Visit Trigger or Manual Trigger, a survey response is collected the first time the trigger event occurs. For example when a user navigates to a certain page in your app.

When the Recurring option is enabled, a new survey response is collected each time the trigger event occurs. For example, each time the user navigates to one of the pages you define or the “showForm” command is executed.
You can combine this option with our Survey Throttling, if you don’t want to shown the survey on every single trigger event, but only from time to time.
Time Based Sequence
When activated, a user gets enrolled in a time based sequence after they saw the survey for the first time. A common use case for this option is to ask active users for their satisfaction every be 30-60 days.
Whenever a user is connected to your app, we’ll check if a user qualifies for a new survey iteration according to your settings.
You can define a time delay that needs to pass between each iteration. You can also define for how long the survey sequence stays active. The reference time for the total delay is the date when a user saw the survey for the first time.

The creation or publishing date of your survey do not affect the Recurring option in any way. Only the time when a survey saw the survey for the last time is taken into account to determine if they can see it again.
Is a user qualifies for a new iteration, we’ll also check if the user is still part of the target audience which you defined for the survey. If the user doesn’t match the target audience anymore, the survey won’t be shown. As soon as your user matches the target audience again, they will see the survey right away.