Reporting Dashboard


Refiner comes equipped with fully customizable dashboards for throughout survey response data analysis. You have full control over what survey data you want to display on your dashboards. You can create multiple dashboards for you and your team and fully customize them to match your needs.

Ad-hoc dashboards

Refiner allows you to create a complete ad-hoc reporting dashboard for a given survey with a single click.

Ad-hoc dashboards are great to get a quick overview of survey responses. They can also serve as a starting point for a custom dashboard.

To automatically generate a dashboard for a given survey, locate the survey in the survey list and click on the dashboard icon next to the response counter.

Automatically generated dashboards include an overview timeline chart, as well as one chart for each survey question.

You can choose to further customize the chart and save it as a custom dashboard.

Create custom dashboards

Each project in Refiner has already one dashboard ready to use. You can create additional dashboards for your and your team by clicking on the header of your current dashboard and then selecting “New dashboard”.

Add charts to dashboard

You can freely arrange any number of charts on our dashboard. Simply click on “Add chart” in the top right corner of the dashboard page and follow the wizard. Adding a new chart consists of the following steps:

Choose chart type

As a first step, you’ll choose what type of chart you want to add to your dashboard. A detailed list of available chart types is covered further below on this page.

Choose data source

Depending on the chart type you’ve selected in the previous step, you’ll be presented with survey questions that match your data type. You can select one or multiple surveys questions to include in your chart. To better identify questions across different surveys, some additional information is shown below the question headlines.

This step is skipped for “Survey Responses” and “Tags” charts.

Filter data

In this step you can filter data that is displayed in your chart. You can filter survey responses by

  • User segment: If activated, only survey responses where the user matches one of the selected segments are included in your chart.
  • Surveys: If activated, only responses given to certain surveys are included in the chart.
  • Tags: If activated, only responses with a specific tag are included in the chart.

Arrange your charts

Once you added a new chart, you can freely position it on your dashboard. Click on the top area of your chart and drag it to the position of your liking. Click and hold in the bottom right corner to resize the chart.

Save your dashboard

Whenever you make any changes to your dashboard (add a chart, move a chart, …) you’ll need to save your changes. You’ll see a “Save dashboard” button in the top right corner of the page.

Available chart types

Refiner supports the following chart types:

Survey Responses Overview

Get an overview over the number of survey views and responses over a given period of time. As with all charts, you can filter data by user segment, the survey or tags.


Visualize the percentage distribution of survey responses in a pie-chart. Great to get a quick overview of responses to a multiple choice question.


Visualize the percentage distribution of survey responses in a bar-chart. Great to get a quick overview of responses to multiple choices questions.

NPS Timeline Chart

See your current Net Promoter Score and track its evolution over time. One of our most popular chart types. You can group scores by day, week, or month.

CSAT Timeline Chart

See your current CSAT score and track its evolution over time. You can group ratings by day, week, or month.

Rating Average Chart (Star Ratings, CES, …)

See current average score and track its evolution over time. You can group ratings by day, week, or month.

Tag Overview

See which tags are currently most used across responses. You can choose between a bar-chart like list, or a tag-cloud.

Last Responses

Embed a list of survey responses in reverse chronological order in your reporting dashboard.

Global date range

Dashboards have a global Date Range option in the top of the page, allowing you to quickly compare data from different time periods.

While each chart has its own data source and filtering settings, the global Date Range applies to all charts included on a dashboard.

The following default date ranges are available when creating or editing a dashboard:

  • Today
  • Last 7, 14, 30, 90, 180, 365 days
  • This week, month, quarter, year
  • Last week, month, quarter, year

Refiner uses the “last shown” date of survey responses as a reference date for data analysis. Please note that the “last shown” date of a survey response can be updated over time, for example if you are using our Follow-Up Mode. Survey response counted in a specific date range at a given time might slide into a newer date range later on.

You can overwrite the date range of your dashboard by adding parameters to the URL of your dashboard. This works for dashboards inside the Refiner app, as well as publicly shared dashboards. The syntax and examples are listed further below on this page.

Share & embed dashboards

You can generate shareable links that give read access to your reporting dashboards. People inside or outside your organization in possession of a shareable dashboard link can view reports without the need to be logged-in to a Refiner account. You can also choose to embed a dashboard into a HTML page, for example include it in your own internal admin dashboard.

To give read access to a dashboard, locate the dashboard you want to share in the top navigation dropdown and click on the “Share” icon.

You can then activate sharing for your dashboard and obtain a shareable link.

Shareable dashboard links use the default date range defined in the settings of the dashboard. You can overwrite the default date range with URL parameters though.

URL parameterAllowed values
?dateRange=<value>A default date range identified by the following allowed values:
today, trailing7, trailing14, trailing30, trailing90, trailing180, trailing365, thisWeek, thisMonth, thisQuarter, thisYear, lastWeek, lastMonth, lastQuarter, lastYear
?dateStart=2023-01-01You can also provide and absolute date for the start date. Allowed values are ISO date strings.
?dateStart=2023-01-01&dateEnd=2023-03-31In addition to the start date, you can provide an end date. If no end date is providing, the current date is used as a fallback.

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