Share & Embed Dashboards

You can generate shareable links that give read access to your reporting dashboards. People inside or outside your organization in possession of a shareable dashboard link can view reports without the need to be logged-in to a Refiner account. You can also choose to embed a dashboard into a HTML page, for example include it in your own internal admin dashboard.

To give read access to a dashboard, locate the dashboard you want to share in the top navigation dropdown and click on the “Share” icon.

You can then activate sharing for your dashboard and obtain a shareable link.

Shareable dashboard links use the default date range defined in the settings of the dashboard. You can overwrite the default date range with URL parameters though.

URL parameterAllowed values
?dateRange=<value>A default date range identified by the following allowed values:
today, trailing7, trailing14, trailing30, trailing90, trailing180, trailing365, thisWeek, thisMonth, thisQuarter, thisYear, lastWeek, lastMonth, lastQuarter, lastYear
?dateStart=2023-01-01You can also provide and absolute date for the start date. Allowed values are ISO date strings.
?dateStart=2023-01-01&dateEnd=2023-03-31In addition to the start date, you can provide an end date. If no end date is providing, the current date is used as a fallback.

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