Install WordPress Plugin

Our official WordPress Plugin provides a simple way to install Refiner on your WordPress site.

To launch a Refiner customer survey widget on your WordPress site, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the “Plugins” section in your WordPress admin dashboard
  2. Click on “Add New” and search for the “Refiner” plugin
  3. Install the plugin and then activate it
  4. Locate your Refiner Project ID in your Refiner dashboard under “Settings > Installation”
  5. Navigate to the Refiner settings page in your WordPress admin dashboard under “Settings > Refiner”
  6. Copy and paste the Refiner Project ID to the plugin settings page in WordPress
  7. Choose whether or not you want to identify logged-in users (more info below)
  8. Click “Save Changes” on the plugin settings page

That’s it! Refiner is now installed on your WordPress site and you can start running surveys.

Note on identifying users: If you have a website with a member space (forum, community, membership site, etc.) you can choose to push user information to Refiner (User Id, Name & Email). Identifying users allows you to match survey responses with your user profiles.

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